By Tessa Posthuma de Boer
Tessa Posthuma de Boer (Amsterdam 1968) studied photography at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. She graduated in 1993 with, among other things, a series of self-portraits. In addition to this autonomous work, she specialized as a portrait photographer. She has worked for, among others, de Volkskrant, Marie Claire, Ajax, Opzij, and many other newspapers and magazines. A number of advertising campaigns and commercials are also to her name.
She published a number of books, including in 2005, together with her father, photographer Eddy Posthuma de Boer, ‘222 writers, literary portertten’. For the past few years, Tessa has mainly been working on autonomous work that is regularly exhibited. Her work has been shown in the Beijwerd in Breda, the Wereldmuseum in Rotterdam, Galeria Miesjka bwa, Bydgoszcz, Poland, the Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam, and The Literary Museum in The Hague. The SBK has a number of photos of Tessa in its collection.